1恶魔岛:灵魂的诅咒 79Evil Islands: Curse of the Lost Soul
3GBA 恶魔城:白夜协奏曲Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance
4PS 恶魔城:月下夜想曲Castlevania Symphony of the Night
5GBA 恶魔城:晓夜圆舞曲Castlevania: Minuet Of Dawn
6恶魔双子星 6Evil Twin: Cyprien's Chronicles
7恶灵附身 11Evil Within,The
8恶梦鬼魅 10Nightmare Creatures
9二战:太平洋英雄WWII Pacific Heroes
10二战风云:沙漠之鼠WW2: Desert Rats
11二战风云:前线指挥官 11World War 2: Frontline Command
12二战装甲战车2 8World War 2: Panzer Claws 2
13二战装甲战车 8World War 2: Panzer Claws
14二战狙击手:胜利的召唤 4World War 2 Sniper: Call to Victory
15二战战斗:进军柏林 6World War 2 Combat: Road to Berlin
16二战坦克指挥官WWII Tank Commander
18E5旅:新铁血联盟 8Brigade E5: New Jagged Union